Saturday, 18 June 2011

aluminium constitutes 8% of the earth's solid surface

aluminium has an atomic weight of 26.9615386

in the mid-19th century, prior to the discovery of the Hall–Héroult process (that happened in 1886) pure aluminium was more valuable than gold because it was so difficult to extract from its various ores.

the staute of Eros in Picadilly Circus, London was the first statue in the world to be cast in aluminium. it was erected in 1893.

powdered aluminium is used in the manufacturing of paint

aluminium can resist corrosion

these men are collecting pots in order to build aeroplanes during World War Two. (U.K., 1940)

these are aluminium igloos, part of The Arctic Hotel in Disko Bay, Greenland. they can accomodate either one person or two people. 

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